MotherToBaby Fact Sheets
Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS)
The OTIS experts behind MotherToBaby have created Fact Sheets that answer frequently asked questions about exposures during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
© OTIS. All rights reserved.
Reproductive Hazard Information Database
REPROTOX contains summaries on the effects of medications, chemicals, infections, and physical agents on pregnancy, reproduction, and development. The REPROTOX® system was developed by Drs. Sergio Fabro and Anthony R. Scialli of Georgetown University Medical Center and Reproductive Toxicology Center, Columbia Hospital for Women Medical Center, Washington, D.C., as an adjunct information source for clinicians, scientists, and government agencies.
©Reproductive Toxicology Center. All rights reserved.
Shepard’s Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
Shepard’s Catalog of Teratogenic Agents
This data source is a compilation of scientific reviews on the teratogenic effects of more than 3700 drugs, chemicals and other physical and biological agents. The Catalog includes many references from the Japanese as well as American and European literature. Developed by Dr. Thomas H. Shepard and co-authored by Janine E. Polifka, Ph.D.
© University of Washington. All rights reserved.
Teratogen Information System – University of Washington
TERIS is a computerized database designed to assist physicians or other healthcare professionals in assessing the risks of possible teratogenic exposures in pregnant women. The database consists of a series of agent summaries, each of which is based on a thorough review of published clinical and experimental literature. Summaries may be accessed using either generic names or domestic or foreign proprietary names. Each summary includes a risk assessment derived by consensus of an advisory board comprised of nationally recognized authorities in clinical teratology. TERIS is a computerized database designed to assist physicians or other healthcare professionals in assessing the risks of possible teratogenic exposures in pregnant women. The database consists of a series of agent summaries, each of which is based on a thorough review of published clinical and experimental literature. Summaries may be accessed using either generic names or domestic or foreign proprietary names. Each summary includes a risk assessment derived by consensus of an advisory board comprised of nationally recognized authorities in clinical teratology.
©University of Washington. All rights reserved.